Turning Your Mountain Into A Plain, Pastor Boaz Olang

Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

Are you facing any obstacle, challenge, situation or threats, which are like huge and impossible mountains to climb? Are you right now having piled up needs like a high mountain? Do you feel discouraged and distressed over some things that do not seem to give up, no matter how much you pray? Are there issues in your life and around you, which have built up into mountains too high for you to climb? Do you feel like giving up, at times, because you do not seem to be heading the right direction or realizing your dreams or having your desires met?

Whatever your case may be, I want you to know that there is no mountain standing on your way, which can stop you from becoming the person God created you to be. Obstacles, which appear like huge mountains can be great stepping-stones to greater victories and success in our lives. Without them, we would not know how powerful our God is and the value of His grace upon our lives.

If you want to turn any mountain in your life to a flat plain, there are three steps I recommend to you to take today and always, whenever you face the impossible mountains:

1. Decide to depend entirely and totally on the Spirit of God for your victory. Your strength, strategies, ideas, friends, church, family, finances, talents, skills etc. may be great and helpful, but will not by themselves push any mountain from your way. You need God “For it is not by might (personal strength or power) by my Sprit says the Lord. God is dependable and capable of meeting any need, if it’s according to His will. He is God of all flesh and nothing is impossible with Him (Jeremiah 32:27).

2. Determine in your heart to finish whatever you have started. Run to finish the race (1Corinthians 9: 24-27). Many people quit salvation, relationships, marriages, ministry, dreams and projects they started because they came a cross impossible mountains. Ze-rub-ba-bel, in the passage I referred to, was assure that if he stayed on, he would finish what he had started, not by his might but by the Spirit of God.

3. Despise not the days of small beginnings or small things. Rejoice over your small achievements and praise the Lord for them. Give thanks in all things at all times. Testify of the Lord’s power and provisions in your life. Exalt Him and give Him the glory for the great things He has done and has promised to do. Remember great things grow from small beginnings. Mighty oak trees grow from tiny seeds. There is a seed of greatness planted in you. It needs time for it to grow into its fullest potential. Trust God. Look up to Him for help. Your up look will determine your outlook. Let Him turn every mountain in your life into a flat plain. Blessings Boaz, Amen!

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