A Covenant Made With My Eyes, Evans Olang

Job 31:1, “I made a covenant with my eyes, not to look lustfully at a girl” NIV

One thing that scares me daily is the thought that I have the ability to sin and sin is constantly knocking on my door. I usually joke about two things I’m allergic to, sin and pain. There are no two things I can think of that have destroyed many men of God like sexual sin and greed. This continues to plague men daily in a sexually charged world and a world of greed. In the age of Internet, TV, movies, magazines, beaches, dressings etc. all around has created a challenge for men and some women in generral, something we call “every man’s battle”. I think that the level of temptations faced by David, Solomon, Samson and others in the past cannot be compared to what we face today and yet the standard of God’s purity for man has not changed and never will. It’s easy to try and poke holes in God’s word to find something to justify sin, however we need to always remember, God’s word is truth, He has no revised edition to fit our time. The word was set to address everything in any age. God’s still holds us to the highest standard revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Continue reading “A Covenant Made With My Eyes, Evans Olang”